

IM-PROVE is an app and on-line tool, which was created to support volunteers in their self-reflection. More info on IM-PROVE App (www.improve.inexsda.cz).
When IM-PROVE was created, it was necessary to also support leaders of youth and volunteering projects to lead learning reflection and evaluation during the projects, that's why the first version of this IM-PROVE handbook, focused on reflection of learning, came to life. Since then, we have enlarged the topics this handbook covers and now it provides many resources for campleaders on various topics that are relevant for their projects.

We hope it will support also trainers, facilitators and youth workers to get more aware of the possibilities to reflect learning in their activities, support their knowledge and inspire them with various useful activities.

Who are we?

This handbook was originally created by a team of experienced trainers and youth workers working with three organisations - INEX-SDA, Czech Republic; Zavod Voluntariat, Slovenia and Young Researchers of Serbia. These trainers have collected important basic theories and concepts connected to learning, tips on how to reflect on it, and various activities that can be used (some simple ones, some a bit more challenging for experienced facilitators). In the next step, we have added also know-how and materials from IBG, Germany and many trainers and campleaders from all over the Europe have contributed to fine-tune the content, especially in the "Issues" part.

IM-PROVE your Impact

IM-PROVE your Impact was a project develop with the aim to contribute to measuring the impact and acknowledging the impact of volunteer / youth activities on youth capacity development.
Implementation period was 1.6.2020-31.5.2022

Expected results were:
- application for measuring competencies among users and for measuring the effects their activities have on participants / volunteers;
- IM-PROVE application is used not only to measure the competencies, but also to collect important data needed to improve the work of organizations, advocacy and fundraising;
- The application is more attractive and interesting to young people;
- The number of application users who are aware of the effect of reflection on acquired competencies on their personal and business development increases by at least 100%;
- National and international stakeholders are aware of the effect of reflection on the acquired competencies of young people on their personal and business development. They are also aware of the effect of Im-prove application on this development;
- Increased network of multipliers (individuals and organizations) that promote the use of research, e-manual and application;
- The application will be more recognized as a tool for measuring the effects of voluntary work on young people by employers.

Peacebuilding through Workcamps

Another project that helped develop this page is "Peacebuilding through workcamps", realised mainly between 2022 and 2023 and supported by the Erasmus + Programme. The main focus of the project was to support campleaders to deal with various complicated situations and to help organizing workcamps in Ukraine to support reconciliation.


E: vzdelavani @inexsda.cz
T: +420 222 362 713


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