
Non-violent communication tips

Clear communication is crucial in resolving conflicts between camp leaders and participants. It is essential to address issues promptly and privately, rather than waiting for them to escalate. By using non-violent communication principles, conflicts can be resolved in a respectful and mutually beneficial way. These principles include:

  • Observation: Describing the situation or behavior that is the cause of the communication, without interpreting or judging it.

  • Feelings: Expressing one's feelings in relation to the situation or behavior described.

  • Needs: Identifying the needs or values that underlie one’s feelings.

  • Request: Making a clear and specific request of what one would like to happen, avoiding demands or orders.

You can use a ready formula for communicating in a non-violent way:
"I feel … (emotion) when … (describe the problem). I would appreciate it if you would … (make a request)".

Here is an example of a non-violent statement: “I feel disappointed when you do not participate in group activities. I would appreciate it if you get more involved in the camp life and take part in the activities”.


E: vzdelavani @inexsda.cz
T: +420 222 362 713


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